Ice cream social this Friday

Dear new Public Health Christian Fellowship members,

Hope that you have had a great first week of school! Just wanted to invite you to the first official Public Health Christian Fellowship gathering of the summer - an ice cream social / meet-and-greet, this Friday 7/12 at 6:30pm at the Green House Cafe (in the Pre-Clinical Teaching Building across E Monument Street from the School of Public Health - brown brick building kinda behind Welch Library).

We will enjoy ice cream and toppings, discuss what you guys would like to do this year as a fellowship (and what we've done historically), and share stories / get to know each other. Friends/colleagues are welcome too! We will be joined our friends from the Johns Hopkins International Fellowship. Our fellowships (and the ones from the School of Nursing and School of Medicine) do joint activities every so often - like outreach activities (hiking trips! pool party/cookout!) and interministry worship/prayer nights.

Looking forward to seeing you Friday!

Grace and peace,


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