Tues lunch Bible study W2033

Dear Public Health Christian Fellowship,

Peter told Jesus, "to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" (Jn 6:68). Jesus had just been deserted by many of his disciples after saying that he was the bread of life and that there was no way to believe in Him except through the Father. Dear ones, praying that you remember that you have seen the preeminent glory of the only Son through the Father full of grace and truth, and that you seek no other Savior (meaning, hope, purpose) except Jesus today as you go about the good work that He has prepared in advance for you to do. I encourage you to meditate on the lyrics of this song this morning: Show us Christ (Sovereign Grace). Please also pray for those who are now (or soon) settling down in Baltimore for school/work, for practical provision, spiritual community, and for us all to grow in our walks with Jesus Christ our Lord.

Join us for our first regular weekly lunch meeting this Tuesday 12:15-1:15pm in Room W2033 in the SPH Wolfe Street building (second floor, across from Paige Hall/W2030). Tomorrow, we will do introductions and study the first passage in the Flourishing in Graduate School Bible Study (Mt 13). Over the course of the year, we'll rotate through Bible studies, sharing, prayer, and guest speakers. If there are specific activities/gatherings you'd like to do this year, please give suggestions!

Leadership: if interested in leadership, please email jhsph.phcf@gmail.com - this group relies on Jesus first and foremost for guidance and direction, but also needs you as His hands and feet here in our school. Or if you'd like to join us in prayer, please also email jhsph.phcf@gmail.com.

Looking forward to fellowshipping with you all this year! 

Grace and peace,
Teresa - for PHCF


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