Wed Bible study lunch mtg W2033, help needed for interministry worship night, and more!
Dear PHCF, What an Easter - such joy as we celebrated a beautiful Resurrection Sunday here in Baltimore, and yet such sorrow for our brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka in the aftermath of the bombing. Lord, we pray that you "teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom" (Ps 90:12). Help us to lean on your grace and strength and provision anew this week, in the midst of end-of-the-year busy-ness. Join us for PHCF Bible study lunch meeting tomorrow in SPH Room W2033 - John chapter 20. Teresa will lead (and probably will have snacks). *Note: we are planning an interministry worship night with the Christian Fellowships at the SOM, SON, and Homewood... If you can help out (with music, slides, food, logistics, etc.), please email ! If you have prayers, reflections, songs, or announcements you'd like to share with the rest of PHCF (or individual questions/comments for the PHCF leaders), please email ! ...