Thu 5 PM ET and Fri 11 AM ET, scholarship, job opportunities
Dear Public Health Christian Fellowship, Thank you for filling out the when2meet poll! We are so excited to announce that beginning next week , we will have two meeting times each week . We will continue to have Friday Bible Study at 11 AM and a new Prayer/Fellowship time on Thursday at 5 PM . A few things coming up: 1) Thursdays 5 PM and Fridays 11 AM ET, Zoom link 2) Webinars from ICMDA. Accessible here 3) Job opportunities for Christian Community Health Fellowship & World Relief 1) Thursdays 5 PM and Fridays 11 AM ET Please join us beginning next week on Thursday and Friday at the same Zoom link ! (Meeting ID: 942 8437 9839, Password: phcf) 2) Webinars from ICMDA International CMDA free webinars, combining global health and Christian perspective, are still going on! accessible here . 3) Job opportunities - Christian Communi...