Virtual Easter Feast April 4th, Bible study, and more
Dear Public Health Christian Fellowship,
During this lent period, let us refocus ourselves on what Jesus had done on the cross and encourage one another in Him. :) We look forward to meeting you and worshiping Him together.
A few things coming up:
1) 5 PM ET today and 11:30 AM ET tomorrow, Zoom link
2) PHCF Easter Feast and Movie Time on April 4th!
4) First blog post; blog opportunities: https://phcf-
5) Webinars from ICMDA. Accessible here
6) Job opportunities for Christian Community Health Fellowship
7) Epidemics of Injustice Lecture Series
1) Bible study today 5 PM and tomorrow 11:30 AM ET
Please join us today on Thursday and tomorrow on Friday at the same Zoom link ! (Meeting ID: 942 8437 9839, Password: phcf)
2) PHCF Easter Feast and Movie Time on April 4th!
We would like to invite you to a virtual Easter feast and move time on Sunday, April 4th! Please register at this link and indicate your time preference. We look forward to celebrating Easter with you over a meal and an uplifting movie 
We know that a lot of things are going on in our respective lives and are happy to share that we commit to pray for you as our dearest brothers and sisters in Christ! Let us know we can pray for or with you in this anonymous, simple prayer request form. You can also add your name if you want to! Form link.
4) Blog opportunities: https://phcf-
We are excited to share that we are planning to write and publish blogs! If you are interested in sharing your experience with God or how God has blessed your life and use you for his glory, send us or reply to this email. We will review your writings and get back to you!
5) Webinars from ICMDA
International CMDA free webinars, combining global health and Christian perspective, are still going on! accessible here.
6) Job opportunities
- Christian Community Health Fellowship
See PDF link for brief descriptions for providers/administrators who would fit well with missional healthcare ministry and apply at
7) Epidemics of Injustice Lecture Series
A course at the University of Illinois at Chicago in the School of Public Health that is open to the public online, “Epidemics of Injustice.”
You can sign up to be a guest in the class here - https://publichealth.uic.
Ope, Sam, Kumba, and Jeslyn - for PHCF
P.S. Interested in joining the PHCF 2020-2021 Whatsapp group? Click on the Whatsapp join link
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the Public Health Christian Fellowship at JHSPH | email us at | PHCF at Hopkins Website
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